Tuesday, 1 March 2016

P5(d)Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies

Meaning and Purpose : Media relevant regulatory body is the guidance of mass media by governments and other organisation. The main goal of this regulation is to protect different range of person from being exposed under inappropriate material ( Violent , offensive , sex , drugs etc.)   In this section, we will see how the grading of the movie from the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) affect the target audience. The Avengers was graded "12" which is only suitable of audience who are above 12. It may contain violence , strong languages ...

British Board of Film Classification is a not governmental organisation , funded by the film industry in 1912 and responsible for the national classification and censorship of films. Their main task is to analysis different movie and rate it with different grading which to provide a age limit for all the movie. In which it to provide the best experience to the audience in the cinema or home.

Here is the category of how BBFC divided different movie by grading.There were 7 different symbol ,  " U " ,  " PG " , " 12A " , " 12 " , " 12 " , " 15 " , " 18 " , " R18 ".

" U " - Universal , Suitable for all range of people who are 4 or above.
" PG " - Partental Guidance , Suitable for age 8 or above
" 12A " , Suitable for 12 years or above accompanied with an adult.
" 12 ", Only suitable for 12 or above.
" 15 ", Only suitable for 15 or above.
" 18 ", Only suitable for 18 or above.
" R18" - Restricted 18, Only suitable for 18 or above and requirement license or document for approve.

The Avengers is rated " 12 " by the BBFC.

What does " 12 " means ?

 " 12 " - means only suitable for people aged 12 or above. Films can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent strong language, very strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated.

In this case , the target audience of The avengers are teenagers who are above 12 years old.

Children who are under 12 are restricted to watch and purchase The Avengers. It is also illegal to supply a VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or video game with a  anyone under age 12.

More about " 12A " & " 12"

What does the 12A symbol mean?
Films classified 12A and video works classified 12 contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Adults planning to take a child under 12 to view a 12A film should consider whether the film is suitable for that child. To help them decide, we recommend that they check the BBFCinsight for that film in advance. 

What's the difference between 12A and 12?
The 12A requires an adult to accompany any child under 12 seeing a 12A film at the cinema. This is enforced by cinema staff and a cinema may lose its license if adult accompaniment is not enforced for children under 12 admitted to a 12A film. Accompanied viewing cannot be enforced in the home, so the 12 certificate remains for DVD/Blu-ray, rather than the 12A. The 12 is also a simpler system for retailers. It means they cannot sell or rent the item unless the customer is over the age of 12.

Is there a lower age limit for a 12A film?
No. However, the BBFC considers the content of 12A rated films to be suitable for children aged 12 and over, and we would not recommend taking very young children to see them. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them.
Adults planning to take a child under 12 to view a 12A film should consider whether the film is suitable for that child. To help adults make this decision, we provide BBFCinsight for all films.

How important is the tone of a film at 12A or 12?
The overall tone of a film or video, and the way it makes the audience feel may affect the classification. For example, a work which has a very dark or unsettling tone which could disturb the audience would be less likely to be passed 12A even if the individual issues in the film were considered acceptable under the BBFC Guidelines. Similarly, if a work is particularly positive or reassuring this may stop it being pushed up a category from 12A to 15.

Will there be uses of strong language in a 12A or 12 work?
The BBFC's Guidelines state that strong language (e.g. 'f***') may be passed at 12 or 12A, depending on the manner in which it is used, who is using the language, its frequency and any special contextual justification. Aggressive uses of strong language may result in a film or DVD being placed at the 15 category. There is some allowance for puns on strong language at this category.
There may be moderate language (e.g. uses of terms such as ‘bitch’ and ‘twat’) at 12 or 12A.

What about discrimination?
Any discriminatory language or behaviour will not be endorsed by the work as a whole. Aggressive discriminatory language (for example homophobic or racist terms) is unlikely to be passed at 12A or 12 unless it is clearly condemned.

Do 12A films contain sexual behaviour?
Sex may be briefly and discreetly portrayed at 12A or 12. Verbal sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers. Comedy may lessen the impact of some moderate sex references or innuendo but frequent crude sex references are unlikely to be accepted at this category. There may be nudity in 12A films but nudity in a sexual context should only be brief and discreet.
Sex and sex references are treated the same irrespective of sexuality

What sort of violence can I expect in a 12A or 12?
At 12A, moderate violence is allowed but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified by their context (for example brief sight of bloody injury in a medical drama).
Action sequences and weapons may be present at 12A or 12, and there may be long fight scenes or similar. Weapons which might be easily accessible to 12 year olds (such as knives) should not be glamorised in 12A and 12 works.
Sexual violence, such as scenes of rape or assault, may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated at 12A and 12. Such scenes must also have a strong contextual justification.

Can horror films be passed 12 or 12A?
Yes, some horror films are passed at this category. Moderate physical and psychological threat is permitted at 12 or 12A as long as horror sequences are not too frequent or sustained and the overall tone is not disturbing.
What about other issues like imitable behaviour or drugs at 12A or 12?
Dangerous behaviour (for example hanging and suicide) may be present in 12A or 12 works but will not dwell on detail which could be copied or present those activities in a manner that children are likely to copy.
Anti-social behaviour should not be endorsed.
There may be infrequent sight of drugs misuse in a 12A or a 12 but the portrayal should not be glamorised or provide instructional detail.

How can I find out more about a specific 12 or 12A work?
Please check the BBFCinsight for the film or video you are thinking of watching. You may find BBFCinsight on this website or on our free App as well as on film posters, DVD and Blu-ray packaging, and on some listings. You will also find it attached to some film and video content which is available to download. It provides comprehensive information on exactly why a film or video has been given a particular category. All the issues are discussed in detail and parents in particular can use this information to make informed decisions when choosing viewing material for their children.

Other example of
The Office of Communications (Ofcom) , is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and in the United Kingdom. Ofcom has wide-range of powers across the television, radio, movie etc. There main duty is to represent the audience by promoting competition and protecting the public from being harmed by offensive material.

P5(c)Legal and ethical issues

P5(c) Legal and ethical issues

Meaning and Purposes :  Legal and ethical issues, when the movie is published to the public, the legal part would be how their product will be under protection when it is published to the public. How the media company would take action when spotted an illegal activity which broke the law of copyright. The ethical issues part is how the media company avoid any offensive language or material in the movie to suit all range of target audience. In this section, I will analysis how Marvel handle both issues before & after when the movie is published to the public.

Copyright is a law that protect the product of a company which avoid people to infringe on the product without permission. Person who break the law will face penalty. In this section ,I will investigate how Marvel use the legal action to protect their own product and work and how copying could bring negative effect to the company. 

Copyright is to protect the any person or media company's work such as script , character , movie and music etc. Also the media company (Marvel)  preserve right to stop people copying, modify their product. Copyright also apply on idea itself. It anyone want to perform the idea or the product. They have to ask the copyright owner for permission. Usually the copyright has limited of time with 70 or 95 or 120 years , all work has a guaranteed of protection with 25 years.

Copyright can be also reach to audience and fans. As internet had been well developed now a days. It has a very high chance for movie being leak out to the public and publish on the internet. Youtube is a global video sharing website, any people can upload any type of video and share to everyone. However people had misused youtube and upload a full movie / soundtrack on the website. 

On the website of Marvel, it had a very small copyright logo at the bottom of each page. Which means every information ( Picture , Words , Gaming ) on the web page is under copyright protection. If people try to use the those information without asking permission from Marvel. It may face a penalty of breaking the law. 

Performance Rights are the right that perform music to the public.It is part of copyright law. It is also part of copyright law. Public performance does not contain any right to reserve copyright, however to performance in the public. Organisation has to ask permission of the song to public.

In Youtube, there is an action called " Copyright Strike ", which is to ban video that has offend the law of copyright. The video will be take down and people will not be able to watch the video forever. The user account may has a very high chance for being frozen. If any had post a movie on Youtube which contain the movie, the video will be auto - freeze to avoid more people watch that video.

Qvod is a Chinese application which people can download the torrent through this application and watch the latest media product ( Movie , TV shows , Music ) without paying any cost. It had been an issue for lots of media company as China is a very big market for the company. However most Chinese prefer downloading free online rather than buying the copy from shops or watch it in the cinema. Media company had nothing to do with the kind of application as Chinese had never took any straight action to the copyright infringement.
All the copyright infringement had cost media company lost lots of profit.

Copycat - It can bring a bad influence or negative effect to Marvel when someone copy their product. 

Example 1) Marvel will lost lots of profits when someone sales the DVD of the movie while it is still shown in cinema. The company had against the copyright by copying people's work without permission.

Example 2) Having a copycat toys on sales in the market. It will give a bad impression to the users of Marvel. The company who produced the toys below   had against the copyright law.They had copied the character from the movie, modified it and repackage with their own logo. It gives a nasty and doggy impression to Marvel

Offensive material means any published or broadcast content ( articles, photographs, films, or websites) that is likely to be upsetting, insulting, or objectionable to some or most people 

Before even the movie is been videotape, script director has to write a script for conversation inside the movie for the character. The script director had to think carefully to avoid any misunderstand for different nationality. Normally when the script writer had finished writing their script, they would have to let different people to proof-read it and ensure there is no offensive material contain with different point of view. Normally this process would take up to 10 weeks to complete a script for the movie.

If audience found out the movie contain too much offensive material, audience might against  watching the movie and any product that made by Marvel, which directly affect to the box office and the profit for the company.  

P5(b) Issues of Representations

Meaning & Purpose: Representation means all the general action,language or props to refer to the character itself in the movie. In movie industry, it is very important to use the correct character / Mise - en scène / to do the different presentation in the movie. In every props and dressing that is been used in the movie, it had been designed well to give the greatest impression to the audience. 

 Stereotype is often been used in movie industry as it always gave a fixed impression which is reflect to the reality. It can help audience to understand what the character is doing in the movie. Most of the characters in The avengers are a very typical superheroes movie. In the movie, the cast who play characters of "The avengers" are all American. It gave an impression of Audience that superheroes are always the American which fight , against enemies and protect the Earth. Also in the grow of people, you can see all the heroes are mostly males, and only one is woman. It is another great example of stereotype as most people think women are weak and need protection. Men are strong , brave , tough and able to protect when necessary.

Captain America

Captain America is one the stereotypical characters. Firstly Marvel wants the characters to be most representative of America, Marvel had designed the character with lots of American flag colour on the dressing and equipments of the characters.On top of the shield, the colour are exactly follow the pattern and colour of the American flag. It gives a strong impression to audience that American are good a fighting.

War Machine
War machine is one of the very stereotypical character  in the movie.The colour of the character is also full of American flag colour, combine with the name of "War Machine" which really give an impression to Audience of fighting and killing. War machine is a supporting character in the movie, partly because the character is African. It is a very typical situation and stereotype as African are mostly appear to be a supporting character in a American movie.


Every superhero story will has a character which has a very muscular body figure & good facial appearance. At the end he will protect & save everyone at the end of the story. However Hulk is slightly different, it has a very muscular body with a very weird appearance. However he is very brave behave is a like an typical superhero. He saved everyone at the end because everyone needs his power to save the world.


Thor is a very old classic superhero. His props in the movie was wearing cape all the time which is a very traditional appearance of the superhero. One of his ability is able to fly up to the sky. Therefore he usually appear in very emergency situation at some part of the movie, fly up to the sky and save people. The movie had modern character and also crossover  with some old style character to out-stand them.

Black Widow 

Black Widow is also one of the main character from the storyline. However in this character, she doesn't has any special power or ability. Therefore to not confuse the audience while watch, her props were all in black in the movie when she suited up. Using less colourful colour on her props will give an audience knows she has less ability compare to other heroes.


Loki is one of the big enemy in the movie. He is the boss of the whole enemy team in the movie. Therefore his props has to be looks very special and like a leader of the team. In the movie, most of time he was wearing a big helmet which has two horns on top of it. Also he wears cape all the time which makes him looks like a leader which full of leadership t lead the whole enemy team. On his right hand , he was holding a spike weapon all the time which makes him dangerous , savage , horrible. All the props add up made him looks like a dangerous enemy.


Aliens in the movie are all small fry in the enemy party. There ability in the movie were all physical attack and fight with the superheroes. Therefore all the dressing of the alines are all identical to each other. Having a uniform dressing will give an impression to the audience that they has no ability of special power. Audience will not confuse with other character then.

P5(a)Product impact and effect on the audience

Meaning & Purpose : Audience who consume / use the media product ( game, movie ,music...). It is always the very first priority for most media company because it is the very main source of money where they can earn from audience and continue to develop a new media product to satisfy them. It is very important for media company to satisfy all range of audiences ( Gamers , Normal Audience ). As the movie ( The Avengers ) has a very big impact to the audience in the world wide, it is very important for Marvel to take the advantage and move on into other media industry such as gaming industry.

Uses and gratifications : Instead of researching what media do to the audience, this approach studies what the audience does with the media. This approach also takes account of people's personalities and personal needs.

Positive Effects 

In general, the movie had a very positive feedback from the audience after they watched the movie. Marvel had to take the advantage trend to attract more audience to use the product which came out from Marvel. In IMDB, this movie is been rate 8.1 / 10 by 980,221 of people, this number of rating is very great.  

Robert Downey Junior 

Although this movie is a  exciting , nervous , fighting superheroes movies. Marvel  had still added some comedy conversation, action into the movie which let the audience just chill and enjoy the movie. The character who carry out the comedy section is very important as he has to be a humorous person in real life. The character that Marvel had used is Robert Downey JR. In the whole movie, he kept on talking some funny joke which really did make audience laugh. As Robert Downey Jr. himself had played lots of different comedy movie before, such as Due Date , Shaggy Dog etc. Most of the audience had leave different feedback on the forum and made lots of compliment of Robert Downey Jr. as he did played a really good role.


The Avenger, its' story is unlike any other movie on the market. The storyline is combine together all different , separate movies. This unique method had build up an interest for audience to re-watch some older movies to catch up this storyline. Most audiences really like this method as it took a very long time to build up a good storyline. Audience able to see the change from the beginning until now, it seems to bring the audience to a first person experience.


The biggest change between the old and new Marvel movie was the graphic inside. In the olden day when Marvel made a actual suit to film the movie. However in now a days all graphic is generate by computer. Although the suit is not a real item, it is drawn out in the computer. However audience really like the appearance compare to the old one. The new suit design had earn lots of compliment and very positive feedback. 


As lots of audience really like the new design suit of the Iron Man. It had been a big topic between die hard fans of Marvel. Therefore Marvel had took an advantage to produce an Iron Man limited edition figure which only have 1000 in the worldwide. When it first put on sale, it doesn't need more than a minute to sale every figure out. It is a very positive sign and show the movie had made a huge impact to the fans. Now, some fans had put an limited edition figure on sale through internet. It required £12700 to buy one.


To follow the trend of the most audience mind. Marvel had created lots of different entertainment gaming. It gave audience more choice to approach Marvel latest products. In those apps, there were lots of advertisement which are all related to the latest product from Marvel.There were link inside the advertisement which directly drag them to buy the DVD product and promote their  latest movie release date. Also all the games had an in apps offer which mean die hard fans could buy the full version of the games by paying small amount of money. 

It is the page where it is directly link from the advertisement in the game. There are lots of latest movies that target audience could buy from the internet instead of watching in the cinema. It has a big connection to the storyline that I mentioned before. Most audience would like to re-watch some older movie to catch up to the movie coming out soon. It gave Marvel a big opportunity to earn more profit. It is also a way to let audience to promote to their friend who had never watch movie from Marvel before. 

P4(b) Advertising

Meaning and Purpose : In this section, I will investigate how Marvel use internet and traditional way to promote & Advertise their latest movie through public. Meaning of Advertising is an act of calling people attention to the product by paid announcement. By advertising its own product, more people will be aware to the media product and it will gain benefits through those all advertisement to maximise the income for the Movie. 

Marvel had spent lots of effort to promote the movie of  "The Avengers". Marvel mainly used social media - "Instagram"  to promote their movie. Instagram is really similar to Facebook and twitter which Marvel will post different movie related pictures on the timeline. People who followed this Avengers account will be able to see the picture and attract their attention. As The Avenger's Instagram account  had 77.7 K of followers which is not bad consider Instagram is a free way for Marvel to promote this movie.

Marvel had also co-operated with three food industry company in U.S to let the customer to buy the food at the same time to have a chance to win a free ticket to watch The Avengers in the cinema. Dr Pepper , Hershey and Red Baron had joint this event to allow customer to win a ticket if they buy purchase any one the of the product over $20.

In countries like USA, Canada, Hong Kong, there were lots of different activities about The Avengers. If customer who bought certain amount of good, they will be able to get a stamp. Once they had collect enough stamp, they will be able to get a cup / toy about the character of The Avenger.

TV Advertising 

Avengers had placed different movie poster on public transport. The advantages of sticking advertisement on public transports like buses is they have higher chance to attract people attention, as the bus will be driving around in different area. People on the street will definitely see the poster when they are on the street. Usually this kind of poster will be only on once the movie is release.

As marvel is one of the most talked company in the worldwide. Marvel had then published an advertisement with Coke Cola which the character were all based on the The Avengers. As Coke Cola is the most well - known company in the world. Marvel had a great platform and opportunities to advertise the movie on TV / Internet. In the screen shoot, you can see the camera had been zoom in to show the superhero (Hulk) is drinking Coke Cola. It gives an image to the public that all superhero will get power after drinking a can of Coke. It will attract more people to buy the Coke and watch the movie in the cinema.

Cross Media 

To promote their latest movie to different group of audience. Marvel had decided to attract gamers attention which help to increase the profit of the movie. Marvel had made series of games which support wide range  of platform (playstation , xbox , android , iOS )  which all base on the character in the movie which made by Marvel . All the action which made Marvel now became a cross media company as it step into game industry as well as movie industry.

The game can be found on lots of place such as gaming shop , app store , online shops , steam etc.  Steam is currently the largest gaming platform which serve all over the world wide. It has 125 million of weekly active users , therefore it is the best and ideal platform for Marvel to promote their movie to the gamers.

Being a cross media company, Marvel had to aim the right target of area to promote their product to  people as many as possible with minimum effort. From the graph above, 3 consoles , PC & phones / tablets has a very steady rise of sales in the global.  Marvel had aimed the right target which all the software support those platforms.

After the movie had been released,  Marvel had also made a DVD of the soundtrack and sale it online   or shops. The music were all created by Marvel , therefore Marvel had to sale the music to fans to increase their income. As this movie had a global influence to every target audience , the rating of the album was be rated as 4/5 stars which was quite good consider normal musical artist album was usually rated at 3.5. There is a example above of one of the music from the album, which was published by Marvel on youtube. 

P4(a) Distribution channels

Meaning & Purpose :  Distribution channel means another public services which to promote and distribution their product. It could be free to everyone. For Marvel, it has its own tv channel called " Marvel Television" which is shows their superhero tv series on television.  In this section , I will investigate how Marvel expend its own market and promote themselves by producing tv series.

In June 2010, Marvel Entertainment set up a television division , headed up by Jeph Loeb as Executive Vice President, which is under Marvel Animation would be operated. The division was name as " Marvel Television ".

Marvel Television is a division of Marvel under Walt Disney Company. It responsibles for live action TV series and animation. The Marvel Television studio is base on ABC studio which is also a division of Walt Disney Television Group.

The Marvel Television is feed available in 163 countries with 34 languages. Channel of Marvel Television is distributed through cable, satellite , digital terrestrial television channel and internet ( Netflix ). They continue to expand their new market across world wide as a priority role, introduce its channel to 600 million unallocated viewers.

Below is a chart to compare the TV shows of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D which is a Marvel Drama and 2 others old ABC TV shows. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has an average viewers of 7 million per episode only in the US.  Marvel claims it has a high viewers rating consider it has lots of entertainments method in nowadays.

Marvel Television has also sell their television episode production to Netflix ( website to watch movie online ). Daredevil and Jessica Jones are two high rating TV series in America Netflix, therefore

Agreement between Marvel & Netflix

In 2013 , Marvel and Netflix had made a deal which TV series from Marvel will be board cast on Netflix. Netflix had provide a very wide and incredible platform which exactly what Marvel is required. Marvel was very well - known at making movie but not TV series. Therefore Marvel need a strong platform which can promote their product to public in different way. It can increases a image to public that Marvel not only good at making movies, it is also very great at TV series as well.
More TV series will be board cast in 2016, so the public will have more choice to decide what they want to have.

Unlike ABC, Netflix required users to be above 16 years old to watch the programme inside. The programme which can be access by the audience contain more strong language and violet action. It can fit wide range of audience to watch the programme and earn great image from it.

For a media company , the most important thing is to let different age group of person to knowing the existence of this company and increase it popularity. For teenagers and adult , they will be watching TV series and Movie.  However to expand the market to lower age person, Marvel has to invent another thing which are user friendly to them. On the webpage of Marvel, there is a section of games, over 14 of online games are available of them. All the graphic are cartoon and animated character, therefore it is very suitable for children to play with. The most important things is, all the online games are completely free. No in apps - offer or any charge in the games, so parents has no worry to let their children play.

P3(a-d) Demographics of the target audience

Meaning & Purpose : To earn as much profit as possible, Marvel first has to decided what is their target audience (gender , age ...)  for their latest product. In this section , I will analysis the target audience of " The Avengers". Investigate their gender , age , spending power and lifestyle.


The gender of target audience of this movie will be mostly for teenagers boy and girls > Young Adult > Elderly , Children .As we all knows that boys love watching movie about actions , battles ,superheroes etc. and this movie is exactly included everything about it.For girls , they love to watch something about amazing storyline and special effect. This movie is also included as every characters their own storyline before the movie of "The Avengers". This movie last for 2 hours and 23 mins, at the first 30 mins of the movie is all about explaining how different characters movie's storyline and combine into 1 movie - " The Avengers" without any error on the plot. From the middle of the movie ,  characters had been fighting  through to the end of the movie which boys most enjoy watching.


Although this movie's main target audience was mostly teenagers ( 12 - 18). Children , adult and elderly are also very suitable to watch this movie. This movie does not have any strong languages or violent action.Therefore it is very suitable for different age group of people to watch this movie. Marvel had been gave lots of effort on to this movie to stratify different age group of people and earned the maximum profit. For example , battle and superheroes caught children and teenagers attention . Storyline and special caught adult and elderly attention to watch this movie. Now mostly everyone in UK had watched "The Avengers" at least once.


As this movie is very suitable to different age groups of people and family can buy a DVD and watch with their family member. This movie provides a great storyline , amazing graphic and audio , long film length ( 2 hours 23 mins ). Watching this movie with family member during evening time can have a chill and relax time for everyone.Also Marvel has their own Instagram account which had a 4.8 million followers.

Mass market is the market coverage of the strategy. The idea is to spread out the message to people as many as possible. The more people who expose under the message, the greater the sales of the product. Traditional way is by using radio board cast , television advertisement etc. However, most company will use social website to keep contact to all the audience. It is more efficient and powerful as now a days most people have a smart phone which can be connect to the internet. 

On Instagram , marvel will share different special offer , update the latest information of movies and actor to fans in the world wide. It didn't cost much to Marvel by creating an account on Instagram but it had effectively attracted more audience to get the latest information and buy their product. 

Also there are lots of Q&A on Instagram which fans can leave any question on a posted picture and actor will pick up some of the question and answer in recored video which can interact with the fans.

Fan Website

Tumblr ,  is one of the biggest social website which had lots of non official fans club inside. This fans club I had found had the most follower compare to others. The reasons is the host of the club will keep update different information to the other Tumblr users who had followed to this club. It lets fans / audience keep an update to know when will the next movie will be release. Audience will able to save up money to watch the movie.

Spending Power

As Marvel had spent lots of money and resources on this movie.They had to maximise the profits from the movie after stepped of from the screen.To keep earning money form the movie they had produced DVD & Bluray - Dics .It is the best way for a company to keep earning money.On amazon , to buy a blu ray version of " The avengers " cost about £7 .On iTunes , it costs £4 to rent and £ 14 to buy.To even earn more money from a die hard fans, marvel had manufactured some exclusive version of DVD which included different posters , characters figures and original comics.As this movie is so powerful which had a $ 1.52 billion of box office , Marvel had also produce lots of side product which to aim different class of audience to buy it.

To promote their latest Marvel movie , Marvel had worked with the biggest sponsorship - " Samsung ".They had also promote lots of special edition of mobile phone which can attract more fans attention.As their special edition is quite expensive to buy it , it cost about £ 750 to buy one.It is aim for the middle class of audience

Also Marvel had worked with Audi to offer some special edition of character's car which is to aim the highest class of audience who can afford to buy a car.