Tuesday, 1 March 2016

P3(a-d) Demographics of the target audience

Meaning & Purpose : To earn as much profit as possible, Marvel first has to decided what is their target audience (gender , age ...)  for their latest product. In this section , I will analysis the target audience of " The Avengers". Investigate their gender , age , spending power and lifestyle.


The gender of target audience of this movie will be mostly for teenagers boy and girls > Young Adult > Elderly , Children .As we all knows that boys love watching movie about actions , battles ,superheroes etc. and this movie is exactly included everything about it.For girls , they love to watch something about amazing storyline and special effect. This movie is also included as every characters their own storyline before the movie of "The Avengers". This movie last for 2 hours and 23 mins, at the first 30 mins of the movie is all about explaining how different characters movie's storyline and combine into 1 movie - " The Avengers" without any error on the plot. From the middle of the movie ,  characters had been fighting  through to the end of the movie which boys most enjoy watching.


Although this movie's main target audience was mostly teenagers ( 12 - 18). Children , adult and elderly are also very suitable to watch this movie. This movie does not have any strong languages or violent action.Therefore it is very suitable for different age group of people to watch this movie. Marvel had been gave lots of effort on to this movie to stratify different age group of people and earned the maximum profit. For example , battle and superheroes caught children and teenagers attention . Storyline and special caught adult and elderly attention to watch this movie. Now mostly everyone in UK had watched "The Avengers" at least once.


As this movie is very suitable to different age groups of people and family can buy a DVD and watch with their family member. This movie provides a great storyline , amazing graphic and audio , long film length ( 2 hours 23 mins ). Watching this movie with family member during evening time can have a chill and relax time for everyone.Also Marvel has their own Instagram account which had a 4.8 million followers.

Mass market is the market coverage of the strategy. The idea is to spread out the message to people as many as possible. The more people who expose under the message, the greater the sales of the product. Traditional way is by using radio board cast , television advertisement etc. However, most company will use social website to keep contact to all the audience. It is more efficient and powerful as now a days most people have a smart phone which can be connect to the internet. 

On Instagram , marvel will share different special offer , update the latest information of movies and actor to fans in the world wide. It didn't cost much to Marvel by creating an account on Instagram but it had effectively attracted more audience to get the latest information and buy their product. 

Also there are lots of Q&A on Instagram which fans can leave any question on a posted picture and actor will pick up some of the question and answer in recored video which can interact with the fans.

Fan Website

Tumblr ,  is one of the biggest social website which had lots of non official fans club inside. This fans club I had found had the most follower compare to others. The reasons is the host of the club will keep update different information to the other Tumblr users who had followed to this club. It lets fans / audience keep an update to know when will the next movie will be release. Audience will able to save up money to watch the movie.

Spending Power

As Marvel had spent lots of money and resources on this movie.They had to maximise the profits from the movie after stepped of from the screen.To keep earning money form the movie they had produced DVD & Bluray - Dics .It is the best way for a company to keep earning money.On amazon , to buy a blu ray version of " The avengers " cost about £7 .On iTunes , it costs £4 to rent and £ 14 to buy.To even earn more money from a die hard fans, marvel had manufactured some exclusive version of DVD which included different posters , characters figures and original comics.As this movie is so powerful which had a $ 1.52 billion of box office , Marvel had also produce lots of side product which to aim different class of audience to buy it.

To promote their latest Marvel movie , Marvel had worked with the biggest sponsorship - " Samsung ".They had also promote lots of special edition of mobile phone which can attract more fans attention.As their special edition is quite expensive to buy it , it cost about £ 750 to buy one.It is aim for the middle class of audience

Also Marvel had worked with Audi to offer some special edition of character's car which is to aim the highest class of audience who can afford to buy a car.

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